Frequently asked questions

  • An important aspect of our conference is helping churches grow the relationships and connections that students develop with the adult leaders from their church. We request that you bring at least one adult for every five students (gender specific) in order to facilitate discipleship between students and adults that will extend beyond the SCC Weekend. As your students will be looking for guidance from the adults that come with your church, it is important that you bring adults who are maturing Christians, and can be examples to your students and lead them spiritually.

  • The Student Collective Conference is for those currently enrolled in 7th - 12th Grade. If your Church includes 6th Graders in your Student Ministry please contact to coordinate including them in this event with your group.

  • Yes, during specified times. Parents are invited to come to the Saturday Morning Worship Session at 8:45 AM and stay for the Parent Breakout Session immediately following in the Sanctuary at 10:15 AM.

  • FBCW works hard to accommodate for each of our guests and any food allergies we are made aware of ahead of time. With the vast number of different food allergies, we cannot guarantee that cross contamination will not occur, but our team will do their best to ensure your student's needs are met while they are with us.

  • We do not have a designated event nurse. We will have a first aid coordinator that will be able to address all accidents as they happen and can provide basic first aid supplies for minor injuries. Churches are responsible for keeping and disseminating student medications. Churches are responsible for their own transportation to seek non-emergency medical services.